Ripen Tomato Wholesale Distributor

There are tomato paste sales like ripen tomatoes that have more and more exports. These brands have a good sales market in Iraq and have been much more successful compared to domestic distribution. Almost one of the things that are important to improve the quality of tomato paste and are considered the first principle is the use of quality tomatoes that must be well washed and dehydrated during different stages of production. Ripen tomato paste is produced from tomatoes that are produced in the best-imported seeds, and as a result, it is of sufficient quality. This paste can be used for supply throughout the country as well as for export to countries such as Iraq. Of course, compatriots in the east of the country may have seen less of this brand due to the distance from the factory to this province, but instead, it sells well in Iraq.

 Ripen Tomato Wholesale Distributor

Unique Features of Tomato That You Need to Know

Unique Features of Tomato That You Need to Know

The unique properties of tomatoes are very important in terms of nutritional value and in recent years a lot of research has been done in this regard. Tomato is one of the most common vegetables that is used fresh tomato and canned tomato. Tomatoes and their various products contain antioxidants such as lycopene, ascorbic acid, and nutrients. Tomatoes reduce the risk of cancer, especially prostate cancer and cardiovascular disease. The bark and seeds of this plant are also rich in lycopene and beta_carotene tomato juice. Lycopene lowers blood cholesterol by inactivating cholesterol-producing enzymes.

Unique properties of tomatoes that are rich in antioxidants, dietary fiber, and vitamins. Tomatoes are one of the foods that should be included in any diet. From reducing prostate cancer to losing extra weight, tomatoes help you with important health benefits. Tomatoes and other fresh vegetables are naturally lower in calories, which can help you lose weight. Tomatoes also have dietary fiber. Dietary fiber in the diet can reduce appetite. Consider adding tomatoes to low-calorie foods such as salads and mixed vegetables.

Why Should You Eat More Tomato?

Why Should You Eat More Tomato?

Tomatoes are rich in vitamins A and tomato calories 100g and C, folic acid, beta carotene, and small amounts of B vitamins. Tomatoes are rich in various minerals including calcium, phosphorus, potassium, fiber, sodium, sulfur, some iron, copper, and zinc. The lycopene in tomatoes has antioxidant properties and protects the immune system against the damaging effects of free radicals. The lycopene in tomatoes also helps improve blood flow. Tomatoes are rich in vitamin C, which, like lycopene, protects the heart. Vitamin C in tomatoes also has an anti-clotting effect.

Tomatoes contain vitamin K, which plays a key role in preventing blood clotting and strengthening bones. Research by Boston University researchers has shown that vitamin K deficiency itself is a risk factor for osteoarthritis and joint pain in the hands and knees. Tomatoes are a rich source of vitamins A and C, which help strengthen eyesight and prevent night blindness. In addition, tomatoes reduce the risk of cataracts. This plant is also rich in antioxidants such as lycopene, lutein, and zeaxanthin, which protect your eyes from sun damage.

Ripen Tomato Best Export Price

 Ripen Tomato Best Export Price

Tomatoes belong to the category of fruits, but due to their uses and properties, in most parts of the world, it is known as a group of vegetables and summer vegetables. Buying and selling exported tomatoes are important because this plant, both raw and cooked, is used in the preparation of various foods, sauces, and beverages and is in the diet of people in most countries of the world. About three million hectares of the total area devoted to leeks worldwide are devoted to tomato cultivation, which is about one-third of that area.

Avoid buying export tomatoes and selling export tomatoes that do not have these characteristics or have dark spots or wrinkles. Also, if there is a stem with export tomatoes, this stem should be completely green and fresh.


  1. Hello good time
    We order tomatoes directly through the desired site to provide quality products at reasonable prices.

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